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Unhurried and Relaxed: Exploring the Definition of Being Easy Going

Unhurried and Relaxed: Exploring the Definition of Being Easy Going

Do you often feel anxious, tense, and overwhelmed? Living in a fast-paced world can take a toll on your mental health, leaving many of us feeling stressed out and burnt out. In such situations, we yearn for a sense of calm and relaxation - that's where the idea of being easy going comes into play.

But what does it truly mean to be easy going? Does it simply mean taking things slow and not being in a hurry? Or is there something more profound to it? In this article, we delve deep into the definition of being easy going - exploring its various facets, benefits, and how you can cultivate this trait in yourself.

As you read further, you'll gain insights into the effortless mindset of being unhurried and relaxed. We'll look at ways to approach situations with ease, reduce stress and anxiety, and create a more fulfilling life. Don't miss out on discovering how to embrace a sense of peace amidst the chaos - read on to uncover the true meaning of being easy going.

Whether you're struggling with too much work, a hectic lifestyle, or just want to lead a more relaxed life - this article is perfect for anyone who seeks to find balance and tranquility amidst the rush of daily life. So, come along on this journey of self-discovery - discover the essence of being easy going and transform your life one step at a time!

Definition Of Easy Going
"Definition Of Easy Going" ~ bbaz


Being easy going is often associated with being laid back, unhurried and relaxed. These three terms are sometimes used interchangeably, although they have slightly different meanings.

Defining Unhurried

Unhurried refers to the lack of haste or speed. It implies taking one's time to complete a task or to do things in a relaxed and unhurried manner. People who are unhurried tend to be calm, composed, patient and deliberate in their actions.

Defining Relaxed

Relaxed, on the other hand, refers to the state of being free from tension, anxiety or stress. It implies feeling comfortable and at ease in one's surroundings or situations. People who are relaxed tend to be more open, confident, and carefree.

Comparison Table

Unhurried Relaxed
Meaning Lack of haste or speed Free from tension, anxiety or stress
Behavioral Traits Calming, composed, patient, deliberate Open, confident, carefree
Implications Taking time to complete tasks Being comfortable and at ease in situations

Differences between Unhurried and Relaxed

Although unhurried and relaxed are often used interchangeably, there are some key differences between them. Here are some of the differences:


Unhurried people often have a focused mindset and take the time to think things through before taking action. Relaxed people, on the other hand, tend to have a more carefree mindset, allowing them to be more open to spontaneous experiences.


Unhurried people may be perceived as more productive as they take the necessary time to complete tasks in a deliberate and efficient manner. Relaxed people may be seen as less productive as they are more likely to take breaks or engage in leisure activities.

Stress Management

Unhurried people may be more skilled at managing stress, as they have a tendency to approach challenges with calm and composure. Relaxed people may have a more laid back approach to stress management, which could lead to avoidance or denial of stressful situations.

Benefits of Being Unhurried and Relaxed

Benefits of Being Unhurried

Being unhurried allows for a more deliberate and thoughtful approach to life. This can lead to better decision-making, reduced stress levels, and an overall sense of tranquility. Additionally, people who are unhurried may be more efficient and effective in completing tasks as they take the necessary time to do things right.

Benefits of Being Relaxed

Being relaxed allows for a more carefree and open-minded approach to life. This can lead to increased creativity, spontaneity, and enjoyment of life's experiences. Additionally, people who are relaxed may be able to handle stressful situations more effectively as they are less likely to become overwhelmed.


Being easy going can mean different things to different people. Unhurried and relaxed are two terms that are often used to describe someone who is easy going. Although they have some similarities, they also have distinct differences in their meaning, behavioral traits and implications. Both being unhurried and relaxed have their own benefits, and the ideal balance between the two may differ depending on individual preferences and circumstances.

Dear Blog Visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to read through this article on Unhurried and Relaxed living. As we explored the definition of being easygoing, we came to realize that there is no clear-cut formula to achieve it. It’s an ongoing process that requires dedication and a willingness to let go of our tightly held beliefs and habits.

One of the key takeaways from this discussion is the importance of prioritizing our mental health and overall wellbeing. By embracing an unhurried and relaxed lifestyle, we can learn to be more patient, cultivate better relationships, and enjoy each moment as it comes. It's not just about being lazy or careless; it's about embracing a more mindful way of living.

We hope this article has inspired you to re-evaluate your priorities and take steps towards a more stress-free and fulfilling life. Remember that being easygoing is not about becoming a different person overnight; it's about making small changes every day that add up over time. We encourage you to take some time to reflect on what relaxation and unhurried means to you, and start incorporating those values into your daily routine.

Thank you again for your support, and we look forward to exploring more topics related to self-growth and wellbeing with you in the future.

People Also Ask About Unhurried and Relaxed: Exploring the Definition of Being Easy Going

  • What does it mean to be easy going?
  • Is being easy going a good thing?
  • Can someone learn to be easy going?
  • What are some characteristics of an easy going person?
  • How can I become more easy going?
  • Can being too easy going be a bad thing?
  1. What does it mean to be easy going?
  2. Being easy going means having a relaxed and unhurried attitude towards life. It means not getting stressed easily, being flexible, and taking things as they come without worrying excessively about the future.

  3. Is being easy going a good thing?
  4. Yes, being easy going can be a very positive trait. It can help a person to be more adaptable, less anxious, and more open to new experiences. It can also make them more approachable and enjoyable to be around.

  5. Can someone learn to be easy going?
  6. Yes, anyone can learn to be more easy going by practicing mindfulness, managing stress, and cultivating a positive outlook on life. It may take time and effort, but it is possible to develop a more relaxed and unhurried attitude towards life.

  7. What are some characteristics of an easy going person?
  8. Some common characteristics of an easy going person include being flexible, laid-back, patient, optimistic, and adaptable. They tend to take things in stride and not get overly worked up about things that are out of their control.

  9. How can I become more easy going?
  10. To become more easy going, try practicing mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and regular exercise to manage stress. Focus on cultivating a positive outlook, and try to let go of things that are outside of your control. It may also be helpful to practice saying no to obligations that cause unnecessary stress or anxiety.

  11. Can being too easy going be a bad thing?
  12. Yes, being too easy going can sometimes lead to a lack of motivation or a tendency to avoid taking action when it is needed. It can also make a person appear indifferent or uninterested in important matters. However, as long as a person is able to balance their easy going attitude with a sense of responsibility and purpose, it can be a positive trait.

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